Your dental health is included in your overall health, and in the context of dental health, you'll want to take all necessary measures to prevent gum disease. Ultimately, you'll need the help of your dentist here at Northshore Dentistry, P.C.
What is Gum Disease?
A serious gum disease can affect the bone of your jaw and the health of your teeth. Here are a few common gum diseases that you'll want to work with your dentist on preventing:
Gingivitis: This disorder develops at the gum around the base of the teeth. It's typically accompanied by redness and swelling that can become painful. If not properly treated, it can cause tooth loss.
Periodontitis: This form of gum disease is more widely seen in adults as opposed to children or adolescents. If a person with gingivitis ignores it, the condition will turn into a serious gum disease known as periodontitis which is an advanced form of gingivitis. With periodontitis, gums can pull away from teeth. That's how the bone and tooth loss associated with periodontitis occurs. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 47% of all American adults between the ages of 30 and 65 suffer from periodontal disease. There is strong evidence that the disease increases with age, as more than 70% of all adults aged 65 and over suffer from it.
Bacteria Cause Periodontal Disease
There is nothing mysterious about the cause of periodontal disease. It's caused by bacteria that infect the tissue of the mouth that surrounds teeth. If the bacteria remain for a long enough time, they form dental plaque. That plaque eventually hardens into tartar. When tartar begins accumulating, it can spread and get below a person's gums. In turn, that can make teeth more difficult to clean. Those who suffer from periodontal disease are unable to remove the plaque build-up themselves, so the services of a dental health professional are required.
Treating Periodontal Disease
There are both non-surgical and surgical approaches to your dentist treating periodontal disease. Non-surgical treatment can include periodic professional cleaning, a deeper cleaning procedure known as scaling and root planning. Customized periodontal treatment might also be available. Surgical intervention is more complicated.
Research is increasingly showing connections between gum disease and other serious health conditions like heart disease and diabetes. If you have questions about gingivitis or periodontal disease, contact our dental clinic for an examination and evaluation. We focus on patient care and comfort by using state of the art dental techniques and technology. Protect your overall health by focusing on your dental health with us here at Northshore Dentistry, P.C.